Sunday, 22 May 2011

Oskar Schindler, thunderous storms & anti gay rallies

It was a lovely morning this morning in Krakow. We went out and bought a loaf of fresh bread for breakfast, it was so fresh! Delicious! The bakeries here are just delightful!

We headed out early to go to the Oskar Schindler factory, it is a museum set in the old factory as featured in the movie Schindlers list. It was a good walk and well worth it, the museum was brilliant. The museum depicts what life was like in krakow pre war and during the nazi invasion, truly terrifying! We spent almost 3 hrs at the museum and then took a stroll through the former Jewish area of kamierez, very arty and bohemian!

As we headed up to the old square we noticed major police presence. The sky also appeared quite dark. We sat down for a beer and then heard what sounded like a protest rally, it turned out to be a bunch of right wing extremists marching around the square shouting out (in polish)some sort of anti gay slogans! It was very disturbing! A polish guy next to us yelled something out to them and the police told him off, then people demonstrating took pictures of the guy and clearly threatened him. It is hard to believe such people exist, especially given the atrocities of the past!

Not long after the rally broke up, there were massive thunderstorms. We retreated inside. I feel it was someone from above telling the demonstrators something, perhaps saying you are wrong to be so judgmental, hopefully they listened, but I doubt it!

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